
White Les Paul, flag logo. Large grid & medium grid backs

White Les Paul with Arc d'Triomphe. drumset, flag color, tall print Paris, grid back

Red Les Paul with Arc d'Triomphe, small logo Paris, HRC back, Blue Les Paul,

The DARK blue/white/red Geo!
Picked up on e-bay

The LIGHT blue/white/red Geo!
Picked up on e-bay

Opening Staff
From Adrian Ceballos

Small yellow logo
1LC no box HRC back

Small yellow logo
4LC loose grid

Blue Les Paul
w/ Flag color logo

5th Anniversary Staff
From Bob Baum

4th of July 1993
FC Parry

4th of July 1996
FC Parry

Some of my pins are still in original packaging....that's why the scans are kind of fuzzy!
Coming soon -- more scans, including I don't even know what!!!